Meet the woman behind the business...


My name is Annie and I set up my business in summer 2021 after having my first child, Bowie.

I am a qualified Primary teacher and Level 6 Early years professional, with a passion for encouraging more parents and early years setting to use high quality, natural resources to support babies learning through play.

Since working in nurseries and schools, I have found there can be a lack of importance for learning through play in the early years. Similarly, I find in many play centres that cater for children from the ages of 5 months - 2 years are limited with the variety of resources to play with.

It is my passion, experience and knowledge that led me to set up ScandiPlay! It is our mission to guide and support parents in their baby's development,  demonstrate the benefits of natural wooden toys and encourage how we can give our babies to best rich sensory experiences from home!

Enjoy exploring!

Annie x


 Our Treasure Baskets offer babies child-led play and independent learning in their exploration of objects. This treasure basket is created with rich and stimulating items that support all baby's curiosity of the world.

Each basket is handpicked with items that are natural, wooden items to support each baby's understanding of the  world. They will be dispatched you in beautiful packaging with a detailed card explaining how to use this to support your baby's learning.


As parents, we have the role in providing our children every opportunity of play in their life! Through social interaction, provision and experiences.

We create the learning experience for our babies, support their development and guide them in understanding world that we have brought them into. 

Our babies are a blank canvas and we have the chance to create stimulating, interesting and exciting play in their lives which supports their everyday development.

Each child is unique and develops in their own way. Each child is capable of learning, no matter how they do it.

Our Treasure Baskets support each child into a unique, rich sensory experience, absorbing all their senses!! They also support brain development through concentration to give them the best “work” in their busy day!

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